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Welcome to our website. By accessing and using this website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained herein. The Advocates Act, 1961 does not permit Advocates in India to advertise their services to the general public and we are in agreement of such ethical restrictions. Please note that by accessing our website you confirm that you have done so on your own volition and that we have not in any manner solicited your attention to access our website. We, through our website do not seek to solicit or advertise our services and our website contains only details and information of the various legal services that we offer. An invitation, if any, to view our website, is pursuant to a preliminary contact with you and for the purpose of morefully describing the services that we offer. Our website aims at providing necessary information regarding the services that we offer, expertise of our Partners and Associates, the philosophy of our Firm, our contact details, etc. for those who are interested in learning about us and is not aimed at advertising or soliciting any work/clientele. We are not obliged to offer any advice or services to you on your enquiry and we reserve the liberty to refuse to assist you as well, without assigning any reason.